Provided you routinely access charts in your flying, you’ll also want to keep navdata up-to-date. Ground-based navigation aids are being removed and replaced by RNAV waypoints, new SIDs and STARs are published, and airports construct new instrument approach procedures. But, of course, real-world navigation is always changing. If you fly Prepar3D or X-Plane, the navdata included with your simulator generally reflects the world as it was when the simulator was built (using the current AIRAC cycle at that time). If you fly using a real-world IFR-certified GPS, you’ll be familiar with updating the navdata on the GPS every four weeks. In other words, every 28 days (and always on a Thursday), a new update is released simultaneously, around the world, with navdata. Established in 1964, AIRAC creates a 28-day cycle for navdata updates. AIRAC is an international standard for common dates and navdata to be provided for navigation around the world. In real life, navdata is related to Aeronautical Information Regulation And Control, abbreviated AIRAC. Navdata broadly consists of the waypoints, navigational aids (VORs, NDBs, ILSs, etc.), frequencies, and even airport information in your simulator. Moving Maps compatible with Microsoft Flight Simulator, X-Plane and Prepar3d.If your simulator flying involves online ATC or following real-world IFR charts and procedures, navdata is an important consideration for you. No commitment - cancel any time you like. Weather information including runway crosswinds updated in real-time. Saves time and effort by automatically organizing relevant airport charts to pinboard. 3D globe projection helps visualize Great Circle distances and polar routes. Runway Crosswind and Airport Weather Information Worldwide VFR Charts powered by Jeppesen VFR data Simulator sceneries, flight plans, charts, navigation systems, and addon software are all in sync with data from the same source. Most up-to-date and modern navigation software for flight simulation. Largest dataset of its kind in the world. Charts and data sourced from Jeppesen and updated every 28 days according to the AIRAC calendar. Access to IFR chart coverage at over 7,000 airports worldwide. Only provider of Jeppesen charts and navigation data for flight simulation.

Why you'll always want Navigraph Charts with you in the cockpit: Navigraph Charts 8 has been developed with emphasis on delivering a seamless and intuitive experience, reducing the pilot workload in all phases of the simulated flight. Looking for the most comprehensive software solution for flight simulation? Navigraph Charts is your co-pilot.